Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Away in a Manger...

This Christmas season several things have slammed to the front of my mind.  I'm convinced that being a mother tends to allow that to happen more easily.  We're so entangled with the humdrum of daily life that something emotionally exceptional becomes an uncontrollable tidal wave.  I'm grateful for those emotions, they keep me from too quickly passing by things that should be pondered.

The first thing that became a new reality to me this Christmas is the absolute humility of our Lord.  One of my favorite verses about Christ's nature is Colossians 2:9, "For in him [Christ] the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily."  Yah, that's right... the FULLNESS of deity.  This, coupled with Philippians 2:6-7 gives us a clear picture of his purpose on Earth, "who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but EMPTIED himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men."  Let's take this all in now... Jesus, who contains all the fullness of deity, humbled himself to be born in the likeness of men.

This is where my motherly instincts kicked in.  See, I know all of that.  And yes, it's amazing, but it's something we talk about all the time.  While Kaesyn and I read a book about the three wise men, she made a very obvious statement.  There was a painting of Mary with Jesus in the "stable" with the three wise men bowing and giving their gifts.  She said this, "Mommy, why did they make it all look so fancy?"  I'm sure it was nothing deeper than that for her, but for me it was a smack between the eyes.  Why do we make it so fancy?  As a mother, I'm sure Mary would have had the same anxieties I did... Is he hungry?  Is he warm enough?  Should I be worried about...?  There are a million things that go through your head the first night, right?!  Along with all my anxieties, she was probably looking around for which blanket had the least amount of perspiration on it from their journey so she could swaddle him.  She probably got frustrated a the dang donkey that woke him for the 14th time that night... why couldn't there just have been a normal room for them?!  That's humility... Christ started there... with nothing... not even basic shelter for his birth.  Can we conceive this?  And if that's what our Lord did, does this have some further meaning for our calling as Christians?

While I'm thinking about Mary, let me share the other thing that has been at the forefront of my mind this season.  At the beginning of December I had one day that was unusually packed with errands.  I usually try to keep them to a minimum when the girls aren't in school because they just get cranky after too long with no play break.  We went to Walmart, the post office, and several other places ending at Payless Shoes where I needed to try on shoes for a work party for Wade.  I could tell as I unloaded them from the car, that I was probably expecting a little too much of this day.  They were done.  To top it off, from the Payless parking lot, you can clearly see the play place at McDonalds... their promised land. Into the store we went; Jett in the stroller and the girls holding each side. I had to continually remind them to keep hands on the stroller and kept asking Jett to stay in his seat and not try to break the buckle to get out.  After a few different tries and letting the girls make a choice for me, we headed to the check out.  As I rounded the corner a woman in her fifties was standing there grinning ear to ear.  Her words to me were this, "You're doing great mom and your children are just little angels."  I felt like I looked like one of those comics where the mom's hair is frazzled and there's a trail of mis-placed items following.  Tears came to my eyes... how could she see that through the tail end of our morning errands?  I couldn't wait to tell Wade how she had made my day and I will probably remember that moment forever.

This brings me to a point that always gets pounded during Christmas preaching... "Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart" Luke 2:19.  Of course she did!!  She was his mom!!!  I think at some point we've focused on Mary's surrogate status and lost sight of the fact that she was for all intents and purposes his mommy.  She would nurse him, feed him and get covered in it, potty train him (and hopefully not get covered in it), and watch him grow.  Think about it... when someone comments on your children don't you treasure it?  Doesn't your heart swell with pride thinking, "Yep, that's my boy!"  And mom's haven't you mentioned to your spouse or friends, "I have the best kids."  Think about it... Mary actually did have the best kid.  What I'm getting at is this... I can identify with Mary.  She was a mom.  She was human.  God has filled His Word with humanity so we don't miss the point that He came for messed up individuals that can't keep it all together for long.  It's all about Him.  It's all about His ability to cover, not temporarily, but forever.

My heart this season has been filled anew with wonder over the story of the coming of our Savior.  The heartbeat of Heaven is still calling, "Jesus Saves!"  His humility should lead us daily to humble ourselves.  Philippians 2:3, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself."  Where are you at on this?  I'm preaching to the choir for sure.  How do we, in America especially, live lives that consider others more significant than ourselves... and I'm not just talking about those we know and love, but strangers too.  Let's leave this season with a fresh view of Christ's humanity and humility.  And knowing anew that we too can identify with the characters of the Christmas story.  He is still writing the story of humanity today... what part will we play?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Am Yours...

Its funny to me how seasons in our life can prove to be something all together different than what we've expected.  My life, if you've looked at any of the recent blog posts, or lack there of, has proven to be a crazed race to the finish of each day.  I knew going into this school year that things would be busy, but never expected it to be this frenzied.

Just a few days ago I started a list... I wanted to evaluate where I'm at with my priorities and involvements.  I wrote down first the name of each group, then the amount of time involved in our meeting together, then the time that I spend in preparation, then the impact I felt it was making on others involved.  My intention was to rate their impacts in order of importance.  I guess I was thinking if I could find one with little impact I would feel okay ousting it from my schedule all together.  What I found, however, was something all together different.

As I began to think over the faces of the 2-4-year-olds, 5th & 6th graders, women, and choir members that I meet with regularly the Lord began to break my heart anew for each of them.  See, my intentions in being involved in these groups is so much larger than the 30-60 minutes I spend each week with them.  I began to see that the narrow road keeps narrowing in wiggle room but also in focus. 

The song that I linked above has become somewhat of an anthem for me most recently.  My favorite phrase is this, "My strength in life is I Am Yours."  That's all... I am Yours.  I don't have to focus on each of these responsibilities as such... I simply have to focus on Him and they will fall into place.  Yes, I have to spend my time preparing, but the outcome is something completely reliant on the Lord... if I allow that in my own mind.  In each of my responsibilities I have felt a direct call from the Lord.  I was unable to rate any less than the other in regards to impact... that's not my place as I have no idea what impact God is having on each of these groups, or even certain individuals for that matter.

SO, the focus of my road lately is rest.  This sounds really funny because I've just told you how busy I am.  Yes, I am busy in terms of my hours and days spent.  However, my heart can rest.  Think for a moment on Hebrews 4:11-16:

Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.  For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to who we must give account.  Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us then with confidence, draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

 The rest is not physical, its emotional and spiritual.  I have to train my heart and mind to daily draw near to the throne of grace.  I have to remember, in all things, that Christ is my refuge and my strength.  I HAVE to allow the word of God to cut and shape me into Christ's image (which means I have to be IN THE WORD DAILY).  My responsibility in each of my tasks right now is not to those involved, but to the Lord... and if you're in Christ, the same goes for you.

Let's stop looking at our tasks in life as "chores" and start understanding that, whatever we're involved in, God has divinely appointed us to show His face to those we encounter.  Let's stop right now and submit to the authority of Christ in our lives by pressing into Him through the knowledge of His Word!  Let's allow our strength in life to simply be the label we can wear daily, "I AM YOURS."  Let's plant ourselves by streams of living water and allow Him to bring our fruit to harvest in its season (Psalm 1).  

Grace and peace to all of you,


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Darkness, The Man, The Snake, and The Soundtrack

So, I've recently started running.  Yes, I know... blah blah blah... if you're friends with me on Facebook you'll be glad to know that this won't feature any stats about how far or how long my runs take me.  However, I think its important to add that I have experienced God's voice more powerfully in some of my most recent workouts than ever before.  Its interesting, I think, that when we take our bodies into unfamiliar territory, our minds seem to compensate by allowing a bit more freedom in thought.  So... with that said, let me tell you about how God spoke to me this morning. 

The darkness... 9 times out of 10 I run in the dark.  This is not really by choice.  I have three children and a working husband that depend on me being home to care for them around 7am.  So, I leave around 6.  Its dark, sometimes damp, and always chillingly quiet.  I don't like that I run in the dark.  It feels dangerous and lonely.  I recently watched a documentary on the legal ownership of exotic animals and I'm prepared to be pounced on by a Siberian tiger every morning.  My breathing is quicker than usual and all my senses are heightened.  Did I mention that I don't like running in the dark?  Most mornings I play NeedToBreathe's "Slumber" at least two times before leaving to remind myself that "glory waits outside your window."  Its hard to drag myself out of bed to such uninviting surroundings.  Unfortunately, my Christian brothers and sisters, this is the world in which we live.  Its dark, its uninviting, and we can choose to stay in bed.  What a travesty if that is our daily choice.  We are the light of the world.  If we stay in bed, how bright are we anyway, and how will the darkness be misplaced?  We have to shine... we have to run the race.

The man...  As I finished my first mile this morning a man turned onto the street about 25 feet ahead of me.  We were both going in the same direction and he seemed to be a bit older than I am.  I thought it would be fun to have someone to focus on "catching."  I noticed he ran VERY differently than I.  At that same moment I remembered a friend mentioning on FB that if you shuffle your feet you can usually run longer because it takes less energy.  While I pondered these thoughts I started trying them... first running like he did, with very short quick steps... then shuffling my feet a bit.  As I looked up again I noticed he was much farther away from me than before.  I checked my pace and realized I had slowed almost 30 seconds per mile.  CRAZY!  I snapped out of that quick enough and decided whatever "technique" came naturally to me was probably best.  Dang... nevermind on the "catching" part!  I started thinking about all the times I had looked around at what others were doing and decided that their practices and outcomes were what I would try.  Oh how we can lose focus when we look at others.  God made me on purpose... and I'm unique.  I can't hold myself to others standards and I can't expect their outcomes to be what's best for me.  I'll waste energy and lose time if I don't cut it out. 

The Snake... You're all going to laugh at me now.  I'm coming up on 2 miles and I noticed what I initially thought was a stick on the sidewalk.  Then it started moving.  YIKES!!!  I'm squirming just writing this.  The snake was tiny... probably 7 or 8 inches at most.  However, I was completely off the sidewalk.  I even looked back a couple times once I past it to make sure it wasn't coming after me... like it could do anything!!  We have an enemy.  Fortunately for us, God has given us tools and abilities that allow us to stay the course even when we see him a mile away.  We can resist.  I could have resisted that snake with my heel... but even with how creepy he was, that just seems cruel.  Let's start facing things instead of running.  Running takes us off course, wastes our energy, and allows the little snake too much satisfaction.

The Soundtrack... For me this is the most important part of my run.  I can literally shave or add quite a bit of time depending on what I'm putting in my ears.  Its all about the tempo for me.  I noticed around mile 3 that  I had slowed considerably.  So, I skipped to the beginning of my playlist.  Nothing a little Britt Nicole wouldn't solve!  So, my friends, what are we putting in our heads?  Is it helping or hindering our pace?  We can listen to the lies of the world or we can choose to make the Word our daily helping.  It will make a difference. 

The point of all of this is that I needed to be focused.  Any break of that focus caused a loss in time and energy.  We have to be the same way.  Give me one pure and holy passion!  When we focus on Christ and His abilities and POWER in our lives, the troubles of this life will fade away.  I'm not saying we won't have to endure them, but we can choose to let Christ guide us through them with endurance.  We are destined for a place much better than this... so lets not waste our time.  

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Its been a long time.  A really long time.  Its been summer... and let's face it, when my kids are home everyday I have literally no time for anything extra.  I need to apologize for being absent.  Unfortunately, this morning I started realizing that I've been absent from more things than just my blog. 
Several things lately have been pulling at my eyelids but this morning my eyes snapped open, out of this summer coma I seem to have slipped into.  Wade and I have been amazed by a few major blessings recently realized.  And I hate that I'm amazed by that.  Don't get me wrong... I never want to be expectant to the point of feeling entitled.  That's not where I'm going with this.  However, I don't ever want to lose sight of the greatness of our God to the point that simple blessings blow me away.  Does that make sense?  This is all something I've been sorting through this afternoon.  Forgive me if I write a retraction tomorrow! :)
I was in place on the worship team this morning and as the piano played the intro to "Amazed" I found myself choking up.  The words scrolling across the screen caught me like a deer in the headlights.  "You danced over me, while I was unaware.  You sing over me, but I never hear the sound."  That has been me.  I have been unaware.  I have been deaf to this amazing song playing throughout my life the past few months.  I've been doing daily tasks completely void of the joy intended for God's people.  I'm not unhappy, but I'm not living the life that God intends for His children. 
I am blessed.  That's all.  If nothing else happens to me in my entire life... I am blessed.  I have three of the most beautiful children to ever walk on this planet.  I have a husband that loves me and supports me in every way.  I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.  I am breathing right now.  Ugh... and I am beyond blessed before all of that because I have salvation. 
So, here's where I am right now.  I have a lot on my plate for this next school year.  I have felt God prompting me to get out of my mommy box and start living in ministry to those around me.  I am putting myself out there in several new ventures and I'm excited about it all.
But, before I can even begin to minister to others I have to take a few deep breaths... I have to set my face to the wind and I have to allow myself to live on the edge.  Those of you that know me well at all, know that I enjoy a little risk.  I want to run into the unknown with my eyes wide open experiencing everything that God has for me in this time of life.  I want to allow myself to be voulnerable with people around me so that God can use my flaws and other's flaws to draw us ever closer to Himself.  I want His Spirit to make my heart flutter and beat so fast because I'm hearing Him call me to action.  I want to be available.  I want to be awake. 
Let's do this together people.  Let's set our alarm clocks and lets wake up.  Let's allow Him to transform what we do daily.  Let's see needs and meet them.  Let's be in His Word to the point that we can say we're "abiding" in Him.  Let's encourage one another to seek Him on levels we've only dreamed about before.  Let's be committed.  Let's be dangerous.  Let's do this thing.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I am completely undone.  My heart is beating so hard I can literally hear it.  I've been communing with the Spirit through the Word and the edification of my amazing husband, who is also my favorite brother in Christ.  There are moments like these that literally make my heart want to burst.  As I got up from the couch to come blog I actually felt the heaviness of the Spirit on me.  Lord, thank You for Your undeniable presence. 

As we all know Easter is coming shortly and Wade and I have been doing the Resurrection Eggs with the girls.  I will admit, they are a bit gnarly for the age my kids are at, but I want them to know the truth!  I am overwhelmed by the truth that has proceeded from their lips.  Kaesyn the other night said, "Mommy, Jesus died on the cross for our sins.  We were in sin jail and when He died it set us free."  The next day Zoey calmed Kaesyn during a thunderstorm by reminding her that God tells the thunder where to go and we are safe because He is in control.  Oh, I wish I could stop time and relish the faith they wield.  Friends, our children are the future warriors that may have to actually battle for their faith.  What kind of weapons are we equipping them with?

In Sunday School we've been in John, and it has brought to the forefront of my mind my absolute desperation for a daily fellowship with the Word.  Do we truly understand what we have... some of us in multiple copies??  Do we know that Jesus is calling us from these pages??  Some of us are currently searching for answers to parenting problems, marital problems, or friendship problems and we hit the pillow every night distraught without answers... never having looked to the King of Kings!  He has given us SO MUCH in His Word and yet we ask Him to solve our problems without ever having looked at what He's already given us!!  I don't say this because I have something to lord over you... I'm saying this because I, like you, am on this journey through life and I NEED His help every step of the way.  There have been times lately that I don't recognize myself because He has changed so much of me... GLORY TO HIS NAME... NOT MINE! 

I could weep right now because of my thankfulness to Him in turning my life upside down.  I am UNDONE.  I am SO unworthy of His love but that's NOT what He says.  I am CONSTANTLY making mistakes, but His mercies are new EVERYDAY.  I am filled at times with uncontrollable emotions but He says, "Cast your cares on me."  Oh my, we serve a God that is truly worthy of our praise and adoration, not just on Sunday but in every moment of everyday.

My prayer for each of us is that RIGHT NOW His Spirit would call to us in the depths of our souls.  I pray we would hear His voice and run head long into the unknown of a life dependent on Him and His word.  My friends, NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR HIM.  Wherever you are, whatever you're tied up in, or tied down by, He is the answer.  Seek Him, seek Him, seek Him, and you WILL find Him.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Familiar in every way...

Well, I've been thinking about writing this post since Saturday morning and haven't been able to manage the time until now.  And, there couldn't be a more appropriate time than this.  A great friend of mine and I just spent the afternoon at a park and dinner at Fuddruckers with 8 children 4 and under.  Needless to say, I'm EXHAUSTED!  In that 4 hour time frame I don't think there was one second that I wasn't looking for a child, helping a child, or trying to keep things out of Jett's mouth.  However, as I look back at the afternoon I have a feeling of accomplishment.  We did it... and without too many melt-downs.  God is so faithful to meet us where we are.  Ugh... let me get on to what I feel like this is all about.

I've been doing my daily reading and I'm in Matthew right now.  Chapter 9 hit me in a whole new light this time around.  At this point, Jesus' work of healing has already begun and, of course, people are starting to bring their needs to Him.  The start of chapter 9 is the healing of the paralytic, followed by Jesus' calling of Matthew.  While Jesus is still trying to help untangle the thinking of Matthew's crowd, a man approaches Him begging for His healing touch because the man's daughter has died.  Jesus immediately goes with the man but on His way is touched by the woman who had bled for 12 years.  "Jesus turned and saw her, "Take heart, daughter," He said, "your faith has healed you" (vs. 22).  He then continues on to heal the daughter.  "As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, calling out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David" (vs. 27).  Yes, of course, He does show mercy and both of them were healed. "While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus" (vs.32).  And wouldn't you know it... He healed him too! 

I could not read on I was so overwhelmed.  This season in my journey is so busy and my children are constantly bringing needs to my feet... because one of them can't even walk yet.  But, it hit me straight on... Jesus is familiar in every way with my lifestyle, my burdens, my exhaustion.  He has been there before only the needs brought to Him were life changing.  The gospels constantly describe Jesus' heart of compassion on those around Him.  He saw their need and was filled with so much emotion that He was driven to action.  It made me wonder... what is my attitude?  My children don't come to me for help just because they're lazy.  They need me.  There are things they literally cannot do for themselves yet, but at times I sigh because it's the fifteenth time that hour that they've asked for something.  Lord, would you help me be filled with compassion for my children! 

All of this thinking brought me to another conclusion... and this was even more profound to my current situation.  Maybe God is giving me these examples everyday because it's exactly what He wants me to do with Him!  My children come to me when they need help with the smallest thing.  They are constant in their requests and unceasingly ask until I help them.  This reminds me of the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke 18.  I want to become a child of God that looks to Him for help in EVERY situation, big or small.  He is filled with compassion for us and wants to be there.

So, where are you... exhausted?  lost?  empty?  overflowing?  content?  He wants to be your everything... in every season.  Will you let Him?  Will you give up control, even if your control seems to be enough?  If this is the case, imagine what heights He wants to take you once you loose the reigns!  I am so excited for this time in my life to have the living example of my children in my daily life.  Lord, would you allow us to see Your hand at work in our lives always.  Bring us to your feet and remind us of Your compassion for us.  We truly need You.  Amen.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Come Down to the River...

So, I think I've decided that preschool days are when I will try and blog.  I have a pretty good chunk of time available and I want to be able to concentrate when I do this.  I am certainly praying for anyone that reads these words and I want to make sure that I'm posting what I feel like God has poured out to me.  Basically, I don't want to waste your time.  To go along with that, I would love to have other authors writing on this blog.  I want this to be a collective.  If you feel like you have a word from the Lord for other mothers out there and want to share that, please email me at  I do want to keep this Christ centered instead of sharing parenting techniques as those can create distractions and dissension sometimes.  Let me know if you're interested.

With that said, the last two days have been amazing and God is showing me that when we take time out for Him, He will show up.  We just have to open our eyes, hearts, and minds to something other than our will.  I've started a year through the Bible reading plan.  The last time I did this was March 2010 and I only made it through December... ugh!!  This time I'm hoping I can stick to it even through Jeremiah and Ezekiel... they were some crazy dudes, eh?!  Anyway, I'm starting in the New Testament to really get things off the ground.  Yesterday was Matthew 1-4 but I love Romans so I flipped there when I was done and read chapters 4 and 5.  SO GOOD!!!

My current situation and mindset NEEDED to hear Romans 5.  I just wanted to offer the word that was spoken to me through this passage.  It will definitely mean more if you read through the first eleven verses before reading this.
vs. 1... We have peace with God NOT because of our own behavior or attitude... it is because of Jesus Christ... solely.
vs. 2... We "stand" in grace.  I picture a waterfall.  Not much can stick to you with that much water rushing over you.  It's the same with the Lord.  When we allow ourselves to stand in a grace waterfall our shame and self loathing will wash away.  Also, "we rejoice in the HOPE of the glory of God."  We won't always walk around in the "glory" of God.  We won't always be perfect.  But, we must ALWAYS hope.  We have to put our focus on Him (Colossians 3:2-3).
vs.3... We can't expect to live lives free of suffering.  It will happen in may different ways.  Instead of focusing on the suffering, let's focus on what God is producing in us... endurance.  He wants us to be ready to stand the test of time.  Everything in life is preparing us for His purpose (Ephesians 2:10).
vs. 5... We NEED to remain in the Holy Spirit.  We need to take a moment, and sometimes frequently, to remind ourselves of our standing with God and allow His Spirit to lead and guide us rather than our own knowledge.  We also have to remember that God's love has been poured into us and it's our job to pour it out to others.  For me, this is currently to mostly my kids and my husband but we have to continually look for needs outside of ourselves and be Jesus to those around us.

I want to encourage you all today that if you're stuck in a rut... TODAY is the day to get out of it.  God is so ready and willing to transform your life with your husband, children, parents, or co-workers.  READ YOUR BIBLES... it will CHANGE YOU.  I never thought reading my Bible was so important.  I went to Church a lot, I lead worship, I did a pretty good job helping and following my husband.  Things were going okay... then I started reading and God burst through my heart.  He wants to do that for you.  We just have to give Him our attention and read His word for Him to do that.

I'll end with this verse which has been so central to His work in my life.  "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence."  Our knowledge of Him gives us the ability to overcome sin, build our faith, and be ministers of reconciliation.  Let's start that today!!!